Mockito Cheatsheet
A cheatsheet of some of the most useful features of Mockito - the mocking framework.
Mockito is a great framework for testing in java. I use it all the time and have done for many years now. It works hand in hand with dependnecy injection, a topic I covered in my last blog "Spring for Humans". However I sometimes find it's a victim of it's own success - there's a lot you can do with it so it's easy to forget how to do things!
So here's a cheat sheet which covers most of the features I use in Mockito.
Setting Up Mockito
Using JUnit <5 Annotations
import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class MyClassTest {
Using JUnit 5 Annotations
import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
public class MyClassTest {
Using initMocks
Useful if you need more than one RunWith/Extend (e.g. SpringJunit4ClassRunner
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.junit.Before;
public class MyClassTest {
public void before() throw Exception {
Creating Mocks and Spies
An easy way I use to remember the difference between mocks and spies is:
Mock: By default, all methods are stubbed unless you say otherwise.
Spy: By default, all methods use real implementation unless you say otherwise.
Creating a Mock
Use Annotations on Fields
There seems to be a consensus that this is the cleanest way to mock an object (which goes against my brain's aversion for field injection, but that's a story for another day).
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.mockito.Mock;
public class MyClassTest {
private MyClass myObject;
public void before() throw Exception {
// myObject is now a mock
Create from Method
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.mockito.Mock;
public class MyClassTest {
private MyClass myObject;
public void before() throw Exception {
myObject = Mockito.mock(MyClass.class);
Create from Method using Initialised Object
Useful if you want a mock to be created from an object which has been constructed using a constructor.
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.mockito.Mock;
public class MyClassTest {
private Person person = Person("name", 18);
public void before() throw Exception {
person = Mockito.mock(person);
Creating a Spy
This is very similar to mocks.
Use Annotations on Fields
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.mockito.Spy;
public class MyClassTest {
private MyClass myObject;
public void before() throw Exception {
// myObject is now a spy
Create from Method
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.mockito.Spy;
public class MyClassTest {
private MyClass myObject;
public void before() throw Exception {
myObject = Mockito.spy(MyClass.class);
Create from method using Initialised Object
Useful if you want a spy to be created from an object which has been constructed using a constructor.
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.mockito.Spy;
public class MyClassTest {
private Person person = Person("name", 18);
public void before() throw Exception {
person = Mockito.spy(person);
Injecting Mocks
Using @InjectMocks Annotation
public class InjectTest {
private BlogRepository blogRepository;
private BlogPostService blogPostService;
public void setup() {
Using Constructor
public class InjectTest {
private BlogRepository blogRepository;
private BlogPostService blogPostService;
public void setup() {
blogPostService = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
Stubbing a method
Returning from a stubbed Method
public void getAllBlogPosts_withBlogPostsInDb_returnsBlogPosts() {
// arrange
List<BlogPost> expected = Arrays.asList(new BlogPost("Spring for humans"),
new BlogPost("Mockito Cheatsheet"));
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
List<BlogPost> actual = service.getAllBlogPosts();
// assert
assertEquals(expected, actual);
Providing an Alternative Implementation for a Method
public void getBlogPostById_withExistingBlogPostInDb_returnsBlogPost() {
// arrange
BlogPost expected = new BlogPost("Spring for Humans");
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
Mockito.when(blogRepository.getBlogPostById(Mockito.anyInt())).thenAnswer(invocationOnMock -> {
int id = invocationOnMock.getArgument(0);
if(id == 1) return Optional.of(expected);
else return Optional.empty();
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
BlogPost actual = service.getBlogPostById(1).get();
// assert
assertEquals(expected, actual);
Throwing an Exception from a Method
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void getBlogPostById_withMissingBlogPost_throwsException() {
// arrange
BlogPost expected = new BlogPost("Spring for Humans");
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
Mockito.when(blogRepository.getBlogPostById(1)).thenThrow(new IllegalArgumentException());
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
BlogPost actual = service.getBlogPostById(1).get();
// assert
// Test will pass if exception of type IllegalArgumentException is thrown
Calling the Real Implementation
public void getBlogPostById_withMissingBlogPost_returnsEmpty() {
// arrange
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
Optional<BlogPost> actual = service.getBlogPostById(1);
// assert
Using Deep Stubs
Deep stubs are used for methods which are chained, but you don't care about the intermediate values. These should be used sparingly, as discussed in the Mockito documentation.
// Without deep stubs
public void checkIfDriverIsPostgres_withPostgresDriver_returnsTrue() {
// arrange
Configuration configMock = Mockito.mock(Configuration.class);
RepositoryConfiguration repositoryConfigMock = Mockito.mock(RepositoryConfiguration.class);
DatabaseConfiguration databaseConfigMock = Mockito.mock(DatabaseConfiguration.class);
DatabaseConfiguration.DriverConfiguration driverConfigMock = Mockito.mock(DatabaseConfiguration.DriverConfiguration.class);
BlogRepository blogRepository = new BlogRepository(configMock);
// act
boolean actual = blogRepository.checkIfDriverIsPostgres();
// assert
// With deep stubs
public void usingDeepStubs_checkIfDriverIsPostgres_withPostgresDriver_returnsTrue() {
// arrange
Configuration configMock = Mockito.mock(Configuration.class, Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS);
BlogRepository blogRepository = new BlogRepository(configMock);
// act
boolean actual = blogRepository.checkIfDriverIsPostgres();
// assert
Stubbing a Void Method
Providing an Alternative Implementation for a Method
public void getAllBlogPosts_withBlogPostsInDb_callsVerifyConnectionToDatabaseIsAlive() {
// arrange
Configuration configMock = Mockito.mock(Configuration.class);
BlogRepository blogRepository = new BlogRepository(configMock);
AtomicBoolean verifyMethodCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Mockito.doAnswer(invocationOnMock -> {
// We can do whatever we want here, and it will be executed when
// verifyConnectionToDatabaseIsAlive
// If the method had any arguments, we can capture them here
return null;
// act
// assert
Throwing an Exception from a Method
@Test(expected = DatabaseDownException.class)
public void getAllBlogPosts_withConnectionToDbDown_throwsException() {
// arrange
Configuration configMock = Mockito.mock(Configuration.class);
BlogRepository blogRepository = new BlogRepository(configMock);
AtomicBoolean verifyMethodCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Mockito.doThrow(new DatabaseDownException()).when(configMock).verifyConnectionToDatabaseIsAlive();
// act
// assert
// Test will pass if exception of type DatabaseDownException is thrown
Calling the Real Implementation
public void getAllBlogPosts_withBlogPostsInDb_returnsBlogPosts() {
// arrange
Configuration configMock = Mockito.mock(Configuration.class);
BlogRepository blogRepository = new BlogRepository(configMock);
AtomicBoolean verifyMethodCalled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
// act
// assert
// Test will pass if exception of type DatabaseDownException is thrown
Using a Real Parameter
public void getBlogPostByAuthorAndAfterDate_withExistingBlogPostsInDb_returnsBlogPosts() {
// arrange
List<BlogPost> expected = Collections.singletonList(new BlogPost("Spring for Humans"));
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
Date date = new Date();
String author = "Shane";
Mockito.when(blogRepository.getBlogPostsByAuthorAndAfterDate(author, date)).thenReturn(expected);
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
List<BlogPost> actual = service.getBlogPostsByAuthorAndAfterDate(author, date);
// assert
assertEquals(expected, actual);
Using any()
public void getBlogPostByAuthorAndAfterDate_withoutMatchingBlogPostsInDb_returnsEmptyList() {
// arrange
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
Mockito.when(blogRepository.getBlogPostsByAuthorAndAfterDate(Mockito.any(), Mockito.any())).thenReturn(Collections.emptyList());
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
List<BlogPost> actual = service.getBlogPostsByAuthorAndAfterDate("any author", new Date());
// assert
Using anyClass()
public void getBlogPostByAuthorAndAfterDate_withMatchingAuthorAndDate_returnsPostsSortedByDate() {
// arrange
BlogPost first = new BlogPost("Spring for Humans", "Shane", new Date(5));
BlogPost second = new BlogPost("Mockito Cheatsheet", "Shane", new Date(6));
BlogPost third = new BlogPost("?", "Shane", new Date(7));
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
// Good for overloaded methods, you can specify type of params so the call isn't ambiguous.
Mockito.when(blogRepository.getBlogPostsByAuthorAndAfterDate(Mockito.any(String.class), Mockito.any(Date.class)))
.thenReturn(Arrays.asList(second, third, first));
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
List<BlogPost> expected = Arrays.asList(first, second, third);
// act
List<BlogPost> actual = service.getBlogPostsByAuthorAndAfterDate("any author", new Date());
// assert
assertEquals(expected.get(0), actual.get(0));
assertEquals(expected.get(1), actual.get(1));
assertEquals(expected.get(2), actual.get(2));
Using eq()
public void getBlogPostByAuthorAndAfterDate_withMatchingAuthorButFutureDate_returnsEmptyList() {
// arrange
List<BlogPost> expected = Collections.singletonList(new BlogPost("Spring for Humans"));
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
Date date = new Date();
Mockito.when(blogRepository.getBlogPostsByAuthorAndAfterDate(Mockito.any(), Mockito.eq(date))).thenReturn(expected);
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
List<BlogPost> actual = service.getBlogPostsByAuthorAndAfterDate("any author", date);
// assert
Using Custom Matcher
public void checkIfBlogPostHasBeenSaved_withBlogPost_returnsTrue() {
// arrange
BlogPost post = new BlogPost("Spring for Humans", "Shane", new Date(5));
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
ArgumentMatcher<BlogPost> blogPostMatcher = passedBlogPost ->
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
boolean actual = service.checkIfBlogPostHasBeenSaved(post);
// assert
Verify a Stubbed Method Has Been Called
public void getAllBlogPosts_withBlogPost_verifiesThatRepositoryWasCalled() {
// arrange
List<BlogPost> expected = Arrays.asList(new BlogPost("Spring for humans"),
new BlogPost("Mockito Cheatsheet"));
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
// assert
Verify a Stubbed Method Hasn't Been Called
public void getBlogPostById_withBlogPost_verifiesThatCorrectMethodWasCalled() {
// arrange
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
BlogPost expoected = new BlogPost("Spring for humans");
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
// act
// assert
Mockito.verify(blogRepository, Mockito.never()).getBlogPostById(100);
Capturing Arguments
public void getBlogPostById_withBlogPost_verifiesCorrectArgumentPassed() {
// arrange
BlogRepository blogRepository = Mockito.mock(BlogRepository.class);
int expected = 1;
.thenReturn(Optional.of(new BlogPost("Spring for humans")));
BlogPostService service = new BlogPostService(blogRepository);
ArgumentCaptor<Integer> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class);
// act
int actual = captor.getValue();
// assert
assertEquals(expected, actual);
Hopefully the snippets laid out here will help you quickly set up your mockito tests. The full examples can be seen here on GitHub.
Happy Coding!